Are There Signs That Someone Used Cocaine Recently?
by Viewminder
Question by Ricky Ticky Tabby: Are there signs that someone used cocaine recently?
My friend is recovering from cocaine addiction but relapses ever so ofter. Is there anyway other than a drug test to tell if he’s recently snorted(or taken any other way). Anything such as pupil size, heart rate, attitude, skin color ect?
Best answer:
Answer by jackiekim007
listen to their voice ..if it’s loud, incoherent ..they sound cranky
Answer by coldgreyash
If they ARE using it, they will have dilated pupils, be talking fast and be happy most of the time. You should be able to tell if they are high now. Heart rate will be up.
If they used it last night, they will be very cranky, kind of depressed, may start crying, etc. It’s like a terrible terrible hangover. Not sleeping too.
Look for signs of drugs – powder residue, razor blades, rolled money, tiny baggies (although most drug users get rid of this stuff before they go to bed.)
You can only tell if someone is an addict – uses all the time by skin color. (greyish)
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signs The Day After ‘coke signs’ —
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