Sniffing Cocaine Immediate Dangers?

Question by Cameron A: Sniffing cocaine immediate dangers?
I have been using cocaine for about two years now and I don’t do a ton all at once, just a few small bumps here and there periodically throughout the day, like an hour apart at minimum.

I am always paranoid about my heart, checking my pulse, how hard it is beating, etc.

I do my stuff over a period of a few days and share a lot with friends so I myself end up actually not doing TOO terribly much each day, but it is basically daily use.

I always sit and freak out that my heart is beating too fast or too hard, but I seem to not do enough to warrant the BPM

also my heart beats rather noticably firm and somewhat quicker than average people when I’m sober anyway.

What is a dangerous heart rate when using cocaine?

A friend of mine who is quite knowledgeable in physiology says my heart can withstand a fair amount of getting worked up naturally and I will know if my heart is at a VERY DANGEROUS level..

I’m usually getting about 110-128 bmp when coked out.
Is this a dangerous speed?

Best answer:

Answer by Nono
HEY! If you are that worried about your health stop sniffin’ crack!

Answer by MamaSmurf
Cocaine causes heart disease and blockage of the arteries. It’s actually worse than smoking cigarettes. It’s not uncommon to hear of a young coke user dying from a heart attack. It really affects the heart and circulatory system badly and quickly. My 17 year old nephew died of a heart attack last spring. He was a coke user.

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