What Is My Body Supposed to Go Through After Quitting Cocaine?

Question by Garnett D: What is my body supposed to go through after quitting cocaine?
So My friend introduced me to cocaine after I had found out about my ex-boyfried cheating on me. I tried it and I loved it. Actually became a bit obsessed. I was spending a good 100 a day on it for about four months. I changed a lot. I became an awful person. the only time i was okay (not happy just okay) was when I was on it. I liked feeling narcissistic. I liked not caring about what my boss said at work. I grew a hatred for people. My brother noticed this behaviour of mine and broke into my stash and flushed everything. I didn’t get paid for two weeks so there was no way to obtain it. I started hearing voices and going through things that were just flat out scary. so I found a way to get more. in time I lost my job, my friends (the sober ones), my parents want nothing to do with me. but wasn’t enough to get me to stop one day I did enough to land me in the hospital. I’m really lucky to be alive so I made the decision to finally quit. I bought a ball and promised myself after that I was done for good. Time went by and I started doing less and less each day. I finally broke up with my boyfriend even though it was hard. I run much deeper than cocaine and it’s not who I am anymore. I did my last line about a week ago and I’m not experiencing symptoms of psychosis anymore. However, since I started the slowing down process weird things with my body have been happening. I started my period two (almost three) weeks early and it wasn’t normal. My periods are usually really light but this one was seven days of really heavy, dark, and very runny flow. I also had that with a low grade fever, dizziness, and nausea. I went to The doctor only to find nothing was wrong with me at all. The off and on low grade fever hasn’t gone away and its been weeks and I’m Experiencing extreme fatigue and very swollen breasts also my period is late ( yes I’ve had unprotected sex and no I’m not on birth control) but I got that really early one and a blood test so I’m pretty sure it isn’t pregnancy. but I was wondering if maybe quitting threw my body out of whack or something. Im pretty confused and i dont feel well either :(

Best answer:

Answer by leonel
well your body goes through changes like what you go through as a teenager.

Im sorry you have to go throught it again

Your Welcome

Answer by Oƒƒ †opic
You’re probably experiencing some cocaine withdrawal symptoms, but usually when you want to get off a drug whatever it may be you should be on some sort of detox program, instead of quitting cold turkey. I’m no expert, to say the least, so I shall provide a website. Good luck.


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