Help With Loving a Addict..?

Question by nyki: help with loving a addict..?
My boyfriend, of 5 yrs and The father to my daughter is addicted to Heroin! I am on a emotional roller coaster with this and am ready for a breakdown! He has been using “on and off” for a little over 2 years now. And our relationship has just been falling apart. I have just now come to the realization that he is not going to just stop! I have tried everything with him, getting him help medically, and helping him thru detox but it only last a few months before he goes right back to it! He steals from stores, uses his whole paycheck, and now we are actually loosing our apartment! I know in my head I have done everything I possibly could to help and change him from this addiction! Nothing works!! And now that we are broke and loosing everything he blames me for it all, and what hurts the most is he blames me for his heroin addiction! It breaks my heart I go over and over in my head trying to think of the times that I could of hurt him, and I cant think of it! I am making myself crazy! I love this man so much but i just don’t know who he has turned into. So just recently I packed up the kids and left, I couldn’t do it anymore! Believe it or not, his addiction was making me crazy and depressed, at the end I was a mean person (which was never me.) When I was there he would say he would get help, but never would or would go one or two times and relapse. So now I said that he needs to complete something before I come back (providing we don’t loose our apartment in the process.) No what I need to know is, is it wrong for leaving a addict? Am i helping him or hurting him more by leaving? I am in a bad place myself right now and very depressed! I just wanted to make him better and I did everything I could. I don’t think he understands how much his addiction hurts me! And I know its not about me, hes the one with the addiction but how can I help him if I cant even help myself? Does that even make sense!? I just have some many question! I am still trying to learn as much as i can about Heroin Addiction! Please anything would help!! :)

Best answer:

Answer by Titto

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